
Thursday, May 31

Hair Ideas?

I want to do something different with my hair, but I don't know what. If you don't know I have naturally curly hair.I love the ease of having it curly, but I also love the way it looks and feels straight. Before I got married I got it cut pretty short. It was about my shoulder and stacked some in the back, I loved it! I could wear it curly or straight and still put it up if I needed to. With my crazy life right now (and the humid summer) curly is my go to option most mornings. My hair dryer also decided to break a few weeks ago.My husband doesn't care either way really, if you ask him he says keep it long...but he tells me he likes it short also. I want something new. I have been tempted to just walk in somewhere and say go, but I am a BIG CHICKEN!

So my question is what should I do? Cut it short again? Keep it long? dye it?  I don't want to spend 100+ every 6 weeks to keep it up, because I don't have that kind of money to budget. I would like something pretty low maintenance and fun :)

I am open to suggestions!!

On a totally different subject....

I was taking a shower last night with Hayden (my 2 year old son, it is much easier and faster than a bath some nights) anyway Travis came and got him out then I kept hearing something in the ok. I looked out and there is Tonka looking for me. As soon as he realized I was in the shower he thought he needed to be in there also. Within about 30 seconds of me seeing him and closing the curtain I had a dog fly through the curtain and land in the tub. I called to Travis, he had a good laugh and said well I guess you should give him a bath...I did and he sat there soaking up all the water while I washed myself...crazy puppy!

I hope everyone has a great Thursday! Yes I know this post was totally random and really has no meaning to it at all :)

Tuesday, May 29

Private Selections: Taste of Summer Review

I was selected by Bzzagent to do a review for Private Selection: Taste of Summer campaign. When I found out about this I was really excited because we buy Private Selection products already and enjoy them, so getting to taste the products for free and write about them is a big plus!

Campaign Kit!
In the campaign kit I received a recipe booklet, coupon for a pie, ground beef coupon, coupons for chips and ice cream and a bag of chips.

The chips were immediately opened and everyone in my family loved them. The beef  coupon was used and we made hamburgers with it, you can tell a huge difference in the quality of the meat cooking wise and taste wise. Here is a recipe that came with the kit to try,  Moroccan Burgers with Mint-Pepper Glaze. We didn't use this recipe because I didn't think it would be something my kids would enjoy. I will be trying it in the future though.

In my house we love our ice cream, especially Moose Tracks. We have previously bought Private Selection brand ice cream before this campaign because of the price difference, we bought another brand only to be disappointed in the taste. We are now loyal to the Private Selections Ice cream flavors and I really like that you can get a better tasting product for cheaper than the name brand products.
Overall we will be purchasing Private Selections products again in the future and I will be spreading the word about this brand because we were very pleased.

Disclaimer: I received the coupons and products through BzzAgent, but the comments/ review are my own opinion. If you are interested in becoming a BzzAgent..check them out online!, they are a great WOM company. (Word of Mouth)

Weekend Rewind- Memorial Day Edition

I hope everyone had a relaxing 3 day weekend ( if you had yesterday off). We had a busy weekend, it was fun just busy.

I read Fifty Shades of Grey, this weekend. I know some people who have read and who are reading it and wanted to know what it was all about. Yes I had heard the general concept, but people kept telling me it there was a story behind it beyond the obvious. When the book started I was pretty disgusted but as I got into it I really liked it! Yes Christian Grey is strange but I am told the 2nd book gets better. I am borrowing my moms Kindle to read it. Has anyone else read it? What are your thoughts?

Here is a little ( long) recap of our weekend:


We went to Kelsey's graduation, I did really well until they sang a song about going to Kindergarten.. then I almost lost it but I was good :) Her class did such a great job on all their songs! Kelsey got the award for being the biggest helper in her class!

After graduation we headed to the lake for the after prek after party! We had a great time, it was fun letting the kids play together and talking to some of the parents. I wish we had done it at the beginning of the year instead of the end, but it is ok! We were talking at dinner and I realized that I went to high school with one of the other moms there. It is crazy because normally we are the youngest ones and even though she graduated a year before me, I felt like I wasn't so young! I always have a hard time with that...knowing I am usually 10 years younger than any of the other moms there...but there was no judgement with these ladies, we had a great time :) The teachers even showed up for a few minutes and the kids thought that was so cool! We stayed there until dark and headed home, I was ready to go to bed!
Prek after party :)


We got up Sat morning, went to breakfast and went shopping for a while. It was nice not having any real plans that morning. I got a message from a mom from Kelsey's class and she said that there was a "glow" party Saturday night at a place called Adventure Kids. We had never been and it sounded like fun! I am glad we went. Kelsey and Hayden had a blast. Two of the boys that Kelsey is really good friends with were also there. They are the 2 kids that have been together since they were 1 years old.

Chase, Kelsey and Tanner

Kelsey and Chase... they have been "boyfriend/girlfriend for 4 years :)

Best Buddies


We got up early and went up to my aunts house to trade clothes with my cousin, she is pregnant with a little girl and has a 2 1/2 year old boy, so we traded :) They live on the lake and Hayden loved going down to the dock and seeing the water. After that we just hung around the house, took a nap and after dinner we went to a park on the lake by the house to walk around and let Tonka run. We found out that we have a water dog! He loves it, and he is a great swimmer :) He jumped right in after his sticks and did great. Hayden thinks he is a water dog to and tried to run in after Tonka....resulting in wet shorts!
5 Months old- Can you believe it?


Travis had to finish up a side job so I was on my own, I needed to clean the house, but just couldn't get motivated to do it. So I decided to get caught up on the laundry. It is almost all done just needs to be put away. I got Kelsey and Hayden's rooms cleaned and laundry put away so that made me feel better. We cooked out on the grill for dinner and headed back to the lake to let the kids swim for a little bit. Kelsey jumps right in and so does Hayden. Tonka was the same as the night before he jumps in and goes underwater! Travis and I called him a submarine dog. I started to go in the water with Hayden and Tonka came running in and swimming after me, but when Travis did it he stayed on the shore... He would come out with me make a circle around us and swim to the shore..we might have a problem if I go swimming in a pool with him around.

Today everyone is back at work. Kelsey is spending the week with my mother in law so our house will be somewhat quiet..Hayden is going to be so lost without his sister!

Friday, May 25

Memorial Day Weekend :)

I am so excited for a 3 day weekend!!

I hope everyone stays safe and enjoys themselves.

Here are our plans:

Today- Work a half day, head to Kelsey's prek graduation, the after prek after party, then home :)

Sat- ....

Sunday- ....


That is right!! We have nothing on the books! I have no idea what we are going to do, and I LOVE IT. I hope we get to spend lots of family time together and just have a fun weekend. I hope to take lots of pictures of everything this weekend and of course will have a update next week.

I also hope to once again have a working computer hooked up at home so I can blog from home again. Next week I have 2 product reviews to do and a giveway so look forward to that!

Thursday, May 24

Goodbye Pre-k, Hello Kindergarten

Tomorrow is Kelsey's prek "graduation", I have mixed emotions. I am so excited for her about next year, but I am SO sad that my little girl is growing up. She has changed and grown so much this year alone. We had a lot of things happen and I just can't believe how she changed from a little girl to a little young woman.

She is so grown up...well she has always acted very grown up, but it is different now. This morning when I was asking Hayden what color his trucks were Kelsey was next to him saying all the colors in Spanish as I said them in English...ummm...I don't even know my colors in Spanish! She shared my excitement when Hayden peed on the potty for the first time also! She was next to me jumping up and down screaming with excitement. She is so caring and thoughtful and it seems like she already knows what to say when you need to hear it. The simplest "mommy i love you" always comes at a much needed time with her around. Her teachers said she is a leader in the classroom...well she is a leader all the time...and sometimes a pretty bossy one! She always talks about playing with the boys...TROUBLE!!

I think I am the saddest about the group of kids that are getting split up next year. She has been in the same class with about 3 other kids since they were 1-2 years old. We already had to say good bye to one of their long time teachers (Mrs. Shari) who we still see! But after this summer we are going to have to say good-bye to these friends also. I hope and pray that we will stay in touch through the years, with facebook that will help so much, but I don't want Kelsey to forget them! Her "boyfriends" have brought us so much laughter these past few years...everyone always cracked up when she used to tell us she had 2 boyfriends. Just last night she was telling me we needed to stay in touch with one of the boys in her class because she thinks when they are adults like me and daddy he wants to marry her...

This was Kelsey's 5th Birthday Party 9/2011

Kelsey and Shelby 10/2011

 Halloween 2011

Beach Vacation 12/2011
Big girl haircut!! 1/2012
Kindergarten Testing 2/2012

Easter 2012

1st lost tooth! 5/2012
Moe's Wednesdays 5/23/2012
I will have more pictures of the graduation ceremony and the after party :) I am determined to get some pictures of Kelsey and her "boys"!

Monday, May 21

Weekend Rewind :)

I suppose I will make this a weekly thing.

Friday- After work and dinner we headed to the mall to take Hayden to make his paci bear. I saw online that build a bear had a cow and since he loves them I figured we would leave with that one, but I was wrong. He picked a camo bear instead. He wasn't interested at all in making it though. He did put the heart in and the paci in but wouldn't do anything else. As the weekend went on he started to become more interested in it, he gets so excited when he sees it and shows us where the paci is...cute stuff!

Saturday- I got up early to head to the barn to help with some lessons and help evaluate a pony for therapy lessons and summer camp. Lessons went great, I always have so much fun. The eval went wonderful to...anyone looking for a awesome pony let me know! She is here on lease for the summer but is also up for sale! "Jasmine" came from a owner who has CP so she knows the therapy part, but she is also a western pleasure and hunter/jumper Lets just say she will clean up at a WP show. Her little pony trot is wonderful when she frames up. I got the chance to hop on her for a little was a funny site I might add but it was fun :)

Travis left to go camping soon after I got home, and the kids were taking a nap. I cleaned up a little and when they woke up we headed over to Shari neighborhood pool. Kelsey is a fish and Hayden has always been timid near a pool, but not anymore! I have never heard a kid laugh so much! He loved it. Thank you Mrs. Shari for such a fun time :) After we swam we went to visit my parents for a few minutes and then headed home. I caught up on a few things off the DVR but was so tired I went to bed pretty early.

Sunday- of course my children woke up before it was even light outside! We just hung around the house and Travis came home around 9, then the kids took a early nap and I did some more cleaning/laundry/DVR catch up. When they woke up Travis played with them why I went a took a nap. When I got up we went grocery shopping, came home, had baths, went to bed and here we are....

Just in case you all are garden is doing ok! Everything looks like it will survive. Our cucumbers aren't standing anymore, but I think that is the way they are supposed to be. There are tons of buds and blooms on everything, so maybe this week we will have little veggies popping up!.

I hope everyone has a great week :)

Friday, May 18

Finally Friday

I am pretty glad it is Friday! This is the first weekend in a long time that we don't have plans every minute and I might even get some time to clean :) As I said earlier this week, Travis is going camping tomorrow night. He is ultra excited and I feel like a horrible wife because I am not excited at all. We don't spend a lot of time together during the week, so I want him all weekend, but I will live. Doesn't mean I will be happy about it though.

Tomorrow morning I am going to head to help out with some Therapeutic riding lessons and I think in the afternoon I am going to take the kids swimming at "Mrs" Shari's pool. I am going to try to keep it a secret because I know Kelsey will be SO excited... and Hayden to. I think our plans for Sat. night are going to be the following...get really tired at the pool and pass out early :) the kids at least then I can enjoy my glass of wine and DVR. We have almost no room to record new shows since I haven't been able to watch anything lately. I need some serious DVR clean up time and of course it is supposed to be beautiful this weekend, so I can't justify laying on the couch inside.

So you know how I blogged yesterday about how proud I was of my garden..yea. We had this huge storm last night and when we got home from Dahlonegha, everything in our garden was flat on the ground. I am hoping and praying that as the day goes on they get happy and stand back up.

Last night we went to a photo gallery, showing type thing at North GA college for Mrs. Shari. We are so proud of her for completing her course and she is now a certified photographer!!!! Anyway this picture I am putting on here is of Hayden at the college.

He always cracks me up...but everytime we are out and I see flowers we stop and smell them, so this is Hayden stopping to smell the flowers. I think everyone should stop and smell the flowers every once in a while.

Thursday, May 17

Gardening update

I am so happy that our garden is growing! I had this fear that we would plant all these veggies and they would die. I am not very good at keeping plants alive inside so I was scared that it would be the same with the garden. I was so wrong and I am so glad! Our garden has grown so much in the last few weeks. This morning I started noticing little buds on almost every plant! That makes me VERY excited.

In a few short weeks we will probably have an influx of veggies and I will be sick of seeing them, but that just means I can start freezing things and stocking up :) My plan when our tomatoes start producing is to make a TON of salsa and tomato sauce and either can it or freeze it to use during the winter. You can do so much with just a base tomato sauce: spaghetti, pizza, chili, lasagna, stuffed peppers....the list goes on and on...

So don't look at the leaves inside or the weeds growing all around our garden or the timbers Travis just left there. . I need to spend some time making it pretty again:)
Left to right in this picture is far left is a few of our corn plants, then jalapeno peppers and bell peppers, then yellow squash then zucchini, the last row to the right is cucumbers. Across the back are tomatoes, they blend with the weeds behind the timber, but they are there I promise!

Squash up close...

Wednesday, May 16

weekend ideas?

Travis is going camping this weekend and I want to do something fun while he is gone. I thought about having a girls night, but I will have my kids because getting a babysitter these days is close to impossible! Then I thought that we don't really have the extra money to spend on me going out for a night. So with all that said I want to do something fun w/the kids that is free or fairly cheap. Any ideas??

Maybe it will be a good night to put the kids to bed and enjoy some movies and a glass of wine...sounds good to me :)

We have been doing a pretty horrible job this week with our Paleo diet... last night I was thinking about what to cook for dinner and started craving Italian comfort food. So I went through my mental check list of ingredients in my head and decided we had everything to make chicken Parmesan. I googled a quick recipe and looked for the easiest one with the least amount of ingredients and off I went. I had not ever made it before, but I will give myself props and say it was really good. Here is the recipe I used for it. I served some sauteed squash and zucchini with it and a wonderful glass of Cupcake moscato. Do you ever just have a rough or challenging day where you throw everything out the window and eat/drink whatever you want?

If you like sweet wine and try to Cupcake brand Moscato...It is my favorite and it makes me feel more grown up than drinking Arbor Mist...

I was thrilled last night when I saw Hayden driving his jeep by the house, usually he rides passenger and lets Kelsey drive, but now he is ready to drive. He doesn't have steering down yet at all, so he may have ran full out into the side of Travis truck...I couldn't help but laugh because he thought it was so funny!

I am excited to go home and get my kiddos and cook out tonight!

It is the small things in life!

Tuesday, May 15

Random Thoughts....


I really don't have anything important or meaningful to write about this morning. I wish I did because I don't want to bore everyone with random things...but I decided I will just write what is on my mind :) Lucky you if you are reading this!

~This time of year I get sad/semi-depressed/jealous all together for everyone graduating college, I feel like I am such a loser for not finishing when I had the chance. I know I will go back and finish soon, but it doesn't make it any better.

~ Sometimes I wish I could be unresponsible for a day... I want a day off work with no plans and not to feel guilty that I am not at work.

~Why am I having baby fever?? When Hayden was born we decided we needed at least 5 years to decide if we even wanted to try for a 3rd baby...and now that my baby isn't a baby anymore, I want another one!  It won't happen for a LONG time if it ever happens because we are in no place right now to bring another life into this world...maybe time for another pet...I am crazy!

~ It really bothers me when people tell me that I am too young to have 2 kids and be married...why it is any of your business...yes I am young but does that really matter?

~Our garden is doing so good! I need to take some more pictures of it. Our jalapeno peppers have little buds on them :)

~Why wasn't I introduced to Wal-Mart's price matching sooner?? I am addicted! I started it last week and as I was checking out a lady behind me said...have you ever used the ALDI ad? well no... I did yesterday and let me tell you... 29cent cucumbers, 1.09 for a 5lb bag of red potatoes, 97cents for a lb of squash and zucchini... I spent $40... and got all our groceries for the meat, but tons of fruit and veggies!

~I want to loose weight, and I do really well for a few weeks, but then I just stop. I need some motivation, I want to look like I did 5 years ago, but my husband is also happy with where I am now. I know I need to loose it for my health and happiness...I just wish it wasn't so easy to put on the back burner and say I will start tomorrow.

~ On that note...We have been doing a semi Paleo diet/lifestyle and I really like the way it makes me feel, I think if I stayed at home or worked part time it would be a awesome thing to do. When I work until 5 and don't get home with the kids until around 6...making a "Paleo" dinner sucks, because I have 2 kids who want to eat within minutes of walking in the door. I know I could easily cook something the night before, but it never tastes the same. I also am a firm believer of not cooking a meal for you kids and a meal for Travis and I...they eat what we eat...I need to do better with this.

So I think I have rambled on for long enough this morning.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!!

Monday, May 14

Weekend Rewind

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

We had a busy Friday night going to a baby shower for some friends, we had a good time. Driving home was a different story...I was having major problems staying awake! While we were in the area we got to hang out with Travis' friend Josh, who I haven't seen in a while. Kelsey loved him and his snakes! She kept asking him when we could go back and see the snakes again...silly girl!

After Friday night we have a very eventful weekend...

-We took Tonka to the vet Saturday morning.... he is a crazy boy! He is 20 weeks old and weighs 41.6 pounds! The vet said he is healthy and looks great and is ready to be neutered...

-Travis had his final exam for school and made an 84! He is done with his schooling now..FINALLY! If everything checks out he will take his licensing exam in July.

- Hayden's paci went bye bye on Saturday before nap time. I was expecting him to take it horribly, but I was very surprised when he only cried for a few minutes. Then Saturday night he cried a little more, but only woke up once and calmed down really fast. Last night he went right to bed and slept all night!! I am so glad it went well and he will be getting to make his paci bear in the next week or so!

-Kelsey lost her first tooth!!!  She has been wiggling and wiggling and on Saturday night she said to me I think it is about to fall out, well it was. Travis pretty much touched it and it came out. She freaked out for a few minutes, but then was so excited! The tooth fairy came and deposited $1 under her pillow. ( apparently our tooth fairy is cheap?)

- Sunday was Mother's day, I got to go back to bed, then was served breakfast in bed... I loved it! Since it was raining we just hung out around the house for a while watching TV and then headed to my cousins graduation party.

-Graduation party was fun! I love seeing all my extended family we don't get it see very often. It is crazy to be that all of us cousins are growing up, getting married, starting families...doesn't seem possible.

-After the party we headed to my parents house to celebrate their birthdays! My brother stopped and picked up some wings, and Travis and I got a pie for them. We had a good time just hanging out as a family. My brothers live about 40 minutes from us so we don't see them enough either.

Yes I know this looks dangerous... Travis was standing right next to Hayden!

 I have to give a little story about the my parents aren't that old. Travis is a funny man and at Publix he didn't want to buy 4 candles so he decided to buy 3...and add my parents birthdays together... so 55+53=108 (in case you didn't know)

 Happy Birthday Dad!
My dad, Kelsey, & Hayden

Friday, May 11

Follow me :)

I have had a twitter account for a while now, but I just recently have gotten hooked on it! So follow me and I will follow you :)

Twitter: MrsCarrig09

I also just go into Instagram...I had it on my phone a while ago but the app never worked right, but now I am up and running.

Instagram: MrsCarrig09

I am on facebook personally and I am working on getting a blog page for my facebook so I can get that going also. I will keep everyone informed with that change also!

My weekend plans are consisting of:
 -a baby shower tonight for our friends Chris and Megan--I can't believe baby stuff has changed so much in 2 year since Hayden was born.
 -Tonka has a vet check-up tomorrow morning, this is his last one for booster shots!
 -Travis has in last final ever tomorrow excited and proud of my hubby! Things are looking up :)
-Tomorrow afternoon/night: I need to do some flower planting/lawn mowing and dvr catch up
-My cousin is having a graduation party Sunday
-We are going to celebrate my parent's birthdays Sunday evening ( they are on the 14th & 15th)
- o yea...and it's Mother's Day!
The sad thing is this weekend is the first one in a few where we don't have plans every minute of both days... my bathrooms in my house need some attention asap.

What is everyone up to this weekend?

I have been signed up with a company called bzzagent for few years, and have taken part in a couple of programs with them, but I am trying to get more involved. I just signed up to do a campaign for Private Selections...from Kroger. I am pretty excited! They are sending me coupons to try some meat, some pies, and ice cream :) I will try to blog about it all very soon.

I will leave you with a picture from Muffins w/Mom this morning at the daycare...its also RED shirt Friday

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

Thursday, May 10

Happy Birthday Hayden!

His birthday was on Monday the 7th. We ended up having a little party for him at the lake on Sunday afternoon. It was a perfect day and the party turned out to be wonderful. We are so thankful for the friends and family that made it!

We went shopping on Friday night looking for b-day gifts for the little guy. When we were are our local Academy sports I saw they had marked down a few power wheels on clearance...we talked about getting one but I cringed at the $300+ price tag. They had 3 marked down for lower than $160. We still were unsure and passed and went home. Then on Saturday afternoon Travis went back to take another look at them. Well they marked them down again, and I took it as a sign. We got a jeep...originally about $375-399 dollars for $130! SCORE! Needless to say we had one VERY happy little boy.

When Travis brought it out to him, he just giggled and giggled and then just walked around it,sat in it, then examined very part of it. It was so funny to watch. He also got a lawnmower that blows bubbles when it is pushed...loves it also! The lawnmower has been going everywhere with us this the car, in bed, on walks, to dinner...if you get my drift. He also got some awesome water guns and sand toys and some clothes and books.

I took Hayden to his 2 year old well check on Tuesday, we got good shots!! The doctor also agreed with me and decided it was time to take him off of dairy milk and switch him to almond milk full time. Something in the milk doesn't sit well with his stomach, and since we went on it a year ago he constantly has a snotty nose and bad diapers on and off. We have been doing half milk half almond milk lately, but now we will see if the full almond milk helps to see if we need to rule anything else out.

but he weighs 29lbs and is 35 1/2 inches tall! He is growing like a weed and she said he looks wonderful :)

Here are a few pictures of his cake and jeep... I didn't get any pictures at all barely...bad mom!

Tractor Cake

Birthday boy and his cake :)

Checking out his jeep...excuse the no pants :)

Hayden taking a ride...he likes his sister to drive him around!

Thursday, May 3

Catch up with the Carrig's

I know I know...I have been a horrible blogger lately!

We have just been so busy these days with life in general. I am going to do a quick run down of the family and how everyone is doing... and there will be pictures :)

Travis and Brittany:
-We planted our first garden together this year... so excited. Everyday when I get home seeing my little plants growing makes me so excited. We planted about 30 corn plants and each seed we planted sprouted, that makes me very very happy. We also have cucumbers, squash, zucchini, all kinds of peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries. Here is our little garden earlier this week. Excuse the weeds and the timbers.... I rolled out the right side timber bc it was to close to my tomato plants, so now it looks really redneck :)

-She has had a LOT going on these days. Her ballet recital was on Tuesday at her pre-k, way to cute! I love watching little kids dance. I decided when I was watching her that she is a natural and we are signing her up to continue dance next year.
- I go help out at a barn now on the weekends and Kelsey has gone with me a few she thinks she gets to go every time. But last weekend she got to ride for a minute and seeing her that excited just made me want a horse now so I can start teaching her.

-He is going to be 2 in a few days! I am in total denial on my baby getting so big. He is such a little man these days.
- His speech is improving everyday and his little personality comes out a little more everyday. He is all boy all the time, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

-He turned 4 months on the 23rd, and he living his puppy dreams. This dog can be so sneaky! He is def going to be a big boy! When I took him to the vet a few weeks ago he was 35lbs and I can say he has probably gained 10 more pounds since then.
-We were really blessed to be able to get him because he is a pretty boy---and he knows it to!

For now I think that is it.... Hopefully I will get some more blogging time soon! We have tons coming up in the next few weeks.

Take care Yall!