
Thursday, June 28

Mini Vacation

Travis is house sitting starting Friday for 10 days... and since I am off after tomorrow until next Thursday we thought it would be fun to take a little "vacation".  He is house sitting at a friends house that is in his dads it is where we used to hang out all the time. We don't all go down there much anymore just because we are always so busy with life around our house. I am pretty excited to spend a few days on my old stomping grounds! My best friend lives close to there and I def. plan on hanging out with her :). So I will leave tomorrow after work and come home sometime Wednesday afternoon. Travis and Kelsey will stay down until the next weekend. I plan to spend a lot of time around a pool and just hanging out with my kiddos. I don't think I will have a lot or any time to blog but I will be back with a update on Wednesday or Thursday of next week.

I went and rode Lacey earlier this week and I am pretty certain she is going to be coming to the barn in a few weeks :) The owners are more than open to letting me keep her for a few months to make sure she is a good fit for me and what I want.... it makes me so happy/thankful that there are still such honest good people in this world. I think Travis can see how excited I am about all of this, he told me last night to start saving my money and he would try his best to match what I save so I can buy new things for her :) I am using my mother in laws old saddle, which is wonderful and works just fine, I just want to have my own one day! She will come with her leather halter-with her name ingraved on it and a winter blanket.

We have been going to the lake every night this past week to swim. I love it that my kids LOVE the water. Tonka is also such a water dog. Travis has  a little jon boat and Hayden is OBESSED with it so we took it out one night and he was smiling so big the whole time. Now when we talk about swimming he runs and gets his life jacket. Travis can't even walk outside without Hayden thinking they are going to "daddys boat"...cracks me up.

Since Kelsey has been spending so much time away it seems like she is so grown up :( She came home last night just acts older. I still can't believe she is starting kindergarten in a few weeks..AHHH. Where has the time gone??

I hope everyone has a safe holiday week/weekend! If you are traveling be extra careful and watch all those crazies out on the roads/lakes!

Tuesday, June 26

Turn Back Tuesday

I have teamed up with a fellow friend/blogger to start something called “Turn Back Tuesday”, it is going to be an ongoing thing where on every Tuesday we post about something from our past that has impacted our lives now. I am planning on making this a link up post, so anyone can join in! We would love to get multiple bloggers doing this with us J

 If you can’t make a commitment every week, that’s ok to…, join us biweekly or monthly!

Today is the first day of “Turn Back Tuesday” so, thanks in advance for being patient with us because it is a learning experience!!

Turn Back Tuesday- How you met your husband/ fiancé / significant other?

Early April 2005:
                I was a senior in high school and nearing the end of my spring break. I had gone to Nashville with my best friend for the week and right before we left I started talking to an old boyfriend and we were going to try again…well I came home to find out we weren’t on the same page apparently.  Long story short it wasn’t ever going to work out. The Sunday of spring break, I met my friend Kim at the barn for an early morning ride. Before I go further, let’s say this…I climbed out of bed, threw on the closest jeans, tank top, and baseball hat and left

Ok, we have our ride and as we are headed back in, Kim gets a phone call.
The conversation went something like this:
                Kim: I am riding with Brittany, what are you doing?
                Travis: hanging out with Cam, Brittany who?
                Kim: My boyfriend’s sister… why?
Travis: O ok...I am not sure what was else was said, but we got on the subject of riding, and teaching the boys to ride.
             Me (Yelling from my horse in front of Kim): I will teach him to ride! (Apparently you don’t say this to an 18 year old male)
                Travis: We will be right there!

So about 15 minutes later, they show up… at first glance I thought Travis was cute, but I didn’t really think anything of him because I was still hoping things would work out with my x- boyfriend.  We flirted back and forth and all hung out for a few minutes.
April 20th 2005:
I was texting Kim while at school, she told me that Travis was bothering her for my number and she didn’t know what to tell him. I was over trying to fix things with my x so I said what the heck just give it to him. She did and then she gave me his also because he told her to have me call him. Well against all my “rules” I texted him first and we planned on hanging out that afternoon. Immediately I called my best friend, Sarah to make sure she could come with me! We met up after school and met Travis with some of his friends at an ice cream place. Upon getting out of the car I was greeted by a boy in Camo pants and a hooters t-shirt...Sarah looked at me and said “I thought you said he was cute”. I had to tell her when I met him he was wearing a polo and jeans.

Before Sarah and I left my house to meet up with Travis and his friends, I almost bailed on hanging out with him because I was so shy. Little did I know that that he would be my husband one day!

Travis says that when he heard me say in the background on the phone…I will teach him to ride… he just had to meet me. He said I sounded like so much fun, but I was serious about teaching him to ride. I still haven’t been able to, maybe one day!

How did you meet your husband/wife/fiancé/significant other?

Make sure to add your blog to the link up below!!

Sunday, June 24

Catch up Monday

How was everyone's weekend??

Mine was good, busy!

I took Tonka to the vet on Friday night, they said he has fleas...I think they just wanted my money. We haven't seen ANY fleas on him at all. He has been itching for weeks so we would have seen them by now right?? Anyway $100 later he is on antiboditic and a steriod for a gew days.

Saturday I worked at the barn for lessons then got to ride. It was SOOO hot out. I am so glad to be out there helping and riding again. After I got home I took a shower and ended up crashing for like 3 hours.

Travis planned a date night for us on Saturday...well he got a babysitter, so we went to dinner at Red Lobster. Which is one of his favoirte places, I dont eat seafood but Travis LOVES it and really enjoyed himself. It was fun being together alone for a few hours.

Sunday I went out to the barn again to help with lessons... way to hot to ride this time!

I did go look at a horse today though....She is a 14 year old stock breeding paint. She is pretty dang cute and sweet. I didn't ride her today because I didn't have a saddle but the little girl who owns her did. She seems very broke and something that I would have a lot of fun on. Hayden and Kelsey both sat on her and we had no issues. I am going back later this week to ride her :) Here are some pictures of her.

Friday, June 22

Weekend Preview

I am looking forward to having my husband and daughter home this afternoon! I know that Hayden will also be very happy to see them.

Last night when I got home, I found a dead squirrel head and tail waiting for me on my front gross. Our kitty is bringing us presents, apparently that means she likes us?? I wish she would maybe show it in a different way.

I am caving and taking Tonka to the vet this afternoon, hopefully we can get this itchy skin thing under control.

Tonight after the vet and picking my boy up we are headed to the butcher shop by our house for our meat stock up, then maybe Kohl's, and after our Friday night pizza dinner we are going to the grand opening of a yogurt shop that opened about 1/2 mile from our house. This could be a really bad thing. We have been looking at the coming soon sign for months and every time we pass it we have to stop and see how the work is coming. I have a feeling we will be on a first name basis with the people that work there.

Tomorrow: Barn in the morning :) hopefully in the afternoon I will be able to go look at a horse and a saddle then my sweet husband is planning a date night! It is very much needed..we haven't been out alone since our anniversary in February. I really wish we could have a bi weekly date night--might have to work on that!

Sunday- Right now I have no plans. That will change though. I am thinking Travis will want to go fishing at some point this weekend and I need to spend some time doing my laundry and cleaning duties.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.. if it is supposed to be hot where you are like it is here stay cool! Summer has arrived!!

CollageIt Giveaway!

PearlMountain Technology has provided me with a version of CollageIt to giveaway! So if you would like your open copy, enter now :)

You are allowed to do each entry once and the winner will be selected using The giveaway will run from Today - Thursday 6/28.

1. Follow my blog and comment on what you would do with CollageIT. 
(if you are already a follower just comment)
2. Follow the blog on Facebook. Just search Catchin up with the Carrigs
3. Follow PearlMountain Technology on Facebook here!
4. Share this post/giveaway on your blog or facebook page

Leave a comment after each thing to let me know what you did.

Good Luck!

Thursday, June 21

CollageIT review

I was recently approached to do a review for a program called CollageIt. It is a easy to use collage maker. I love to take pictures, then I can never pick just one picture to post because I love them all. So I was excited about this product and it is easy to upload the collage to Facebook, Twitter and other websites.

My first shot with CollageIt wasn't good, only because my computer decided to crap out on me while I was testing it. From what I saw and used I really like this program. There are a lot of layouts to use and different things you can do with your pictures. I think that I could put collages together and get them printed and frame them for gifts or even just to use around the house.

PearlMountain Technology has provided me with a version of CollageIt to giveaway! Look for that post soon.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Tuesday, June 19

Fixed :)

After I got all excited about having a computer at home decided to stop working :( I can't get it to wake up from being "asleep" or on standby. So of course after I get all my pictures uploaded and updated on my other one, it dies. I am borrowing a processor from my mom until I can figure out what is wrong it the other one.  It's always something!

I am now on the hunt for a horse :) I have been helping out at a local barn/ therapy riding place and the owner told me if I help feed a few nights a week she will let it pay for board for a horse. Then I found out that people do these things called "free lease" where you are responsible for the horse's feed, farrier, board while it is in your care. Some include vetting also, if i go that direction it will included normal vet things but I am putting that I am no liable the serious stuff. Right now I look every chance I get, and I know that the horse for me will come my way and it will all work out.

I am supposed to do a review for a product, but I kinda think it made my computer I have to e-mail the review person on that one. I am not sure what to do.

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

Saturday, June 16

Follow on Facebook

We are on Facebook!

Just seach Catchin' up with the Carrig's and like the page!

Following on Facebook will give you all the newest up to date information on happenings and giveways when I have them :)

I hope everyone is having a great Saturday so far!

Friday, June 15


My weekend has started early thanks to Hayden :) I got a call from daycare saying he had 4 diarrhea diapers in the course of 3 he had to go home. I feel bad for him if he isn't feeling well but I am not complaining about starting my weekend a few hours early. I just hope he feels better when he wakes up from his nap.

You would think I would spend this time cleaning or mopping like I should be doing, but nope I am blogging because now that I have Internet I can :)

What is everyone doing for Father's Day this weekend? or just the weekend in general?

Today: DVR catch up, laundry catch up and hanging around the house.

Saturday: Might go to the Mutts and More festival by our house, grocery shop, more cleaning... sounds exciting right?

Sunday- Spend time with Travis doing whatever he wants to do for Father's day.

Next week Travis is working overtime and I will be short handed at work so it is going to be a lonnnnggg week.

I have some new product reviews to do...I got 3 in the mail this week and 1 last week...and still have 1 on the way.

Also, I am on the hunt officially for a horse!!!!!!!!! Travis told me he knew I would find a way to get one and it seems like everything is working out so far..we just need a horse. ha ha. I know I will find one when I am supposed to!

Anyway, totally random post but have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 14

Bubble Boy!

Here is a picture of Hayden in the tub tonight....

Before he went to bed he decided to tell me over and over again that he is a boy..a boy not a girl. I am so glad he knows the difference :)

I hope everyone has a great Friday!

Wednesday, June 13

Happy Day!

We finally have Internet at our house again :) It has been almost 2 years since we took it out! I don't think I will know what to do with myself..

When we moved into the house we live in now we lost a ton of space...which means things like an computer weren't as important as say a bed. Now we have figured out how to arrange everything for a computer to work again. Travis used to get so mad at me because I would spend a lot of time on Facebook or blogging instead of spending time with him. I am going to try my best to not spend loads of time sitting in front of the computer. It isn't like I have tons of free time these days to sit and blog or catch up on Facebook. Usually my facebook time is when I am done reading to Hayden at night and he is falling asleep using my phone. I will be able to blog more frequently and have better quality pictures also because I will have all my photo editing stuff at my finger tips!

The other night when we got everything plugged in the desktop background is a picture of Kelsey and Rocko... I can't bring myself to change it. Then I opened up Picasa and it opened to Rocko's album. Travis and I looked at the pictures together remembering each one. He was such a goofy dog.

I haven't blogged this week but my weekend started off with me being a wonderful wife and mowing the grass...I will not do that again. I ran over a yellow jacket nest and my poor dog got attacked. He is fine, but it scared me to death and I was running around like a maniac for a little while. I am still very thankful it wasn't Hayden who was in the grass at the time because he had been following me around.

Well Happy Wednesday to everyone :)

Thursday, June 7

Cupcake Decorating

Last night we celebrated my best friend's birthday, by going to a cupcake decorating class. Her nickname is cupcake- so it was a very fitting thing to do! She also loves to make/decorate cupcakes, as do I. I think in a another life I was a baker/cake decorator.

Anyway we went to a place called Miss. Mamie's, it is in Marietta, GA. We didn't get to meet Miss. Mamie herself but I can tell you this girl is amazing! We learned that she just turned 24!!! She opened the bakery when she was! (makes you feel like your a loser) She was recently on the show Cupcake Wars and won. So it that tells you anything...this place is pretty wonderful. The ladies last night were all so nice and helpful! We asked lots of questions because well we are very nosey.

With this class you pay $30 and get to spend 2 hours learning a technique then decorate and take home 6 cupcakes. We learned how to make a fondant flower. I have always wanted to work with fondant...not as hard as I thought, but I was just making a flower. I am pretty impressed with our skills though. After the flowers we iced our cupcakes and took our flowers home to dry overnight.

Even though we got 6 cupcakes with the class I had to buy more. There was a chocolate cupcake with peanut butter frosting...umm heaven! I bought 2 of them thinking I would share one with my husband tonight...I ate one last night at 11pm and the whole time I thought wow this is huge but that didn't stop me from eating the whole thing. Kelsey was very impressed with my flowers this morning, her words were "Mommy I am so excited that you thought of me and made me pink flowers for MY cupcakes!" Yes why of course Kelsey I was thinking of you :) Hayden's eyes were huge and he was repeating cupcake, cupcake, cupcake... I didn't think he needed to consume one at 6:30am so despite both their efforts tantrums I promised we could eat them tonight.

Of course we took pictures:

If you are in the Marietta Square area, you must go check this place out! They told us they start every morning with about 20 different flavors to pick from so I take that as go early so you get a variety to pick from. I will be dragging my family down there very soon!

Wednesday, June 6


Hayden has decided to start picking out his clothes...or just shoes. My child has been obessed with shoes for some time now, he likes to show everyone he meets his shoes..even if you have already seen them 100+ times. When I used to drop him off at daycare in the mornings when Shari was there he would stick his foot out every morning to show her his shoes. Apparently he did it multiple times a day...haha funny boy.

Now he has found rain boots in his closet. He is OBSESSED with these boots. You may laugh and by all means laugh...he loves them! Since Sunday afternoon I have had to tear these boots out of his death grip to pry them off his little sweaty feet.

I have composed some pictures to prove it....please note the pictures of him sleeping with them on :)

Friday, June 1

Cook'n Review & GIVEAWAY

I was recently selected to do a product review for Cook'n. It is a virtual recipe organizer. When I found out I had been selected I was very excited, because 1) this is my first "real" review 2) the product seems really awesome and something I could actually use!

Cook'n Recipe Software

When I received my sample I immediately downloaded it to the computer and go to work figuring it all out. Overall this product is great and really easy to use and navigate. I really like that you can connect it to your computer, phone, and possibly a tablet. That makes it easy if you are in the grocery store and forget what you need for a recipe or even out to lunch with a friend and want to share a recipe with them. Once I have time to sit down a use it more, I will love it even more! You can download cookbooks from the internet and also copy and paste recipes you find on other sites :) The possiblilites are endless with this program.

The company that created Cook'n is called DVO. Make sure to visits their website, to see what the product is all about! Also visit their Facebook page to find out about the recipe exchanges and fun monthly giveaways.

Now for the FUN!! DVO provided me with a copy of Cook'n to use as a GIVEAWAY! So if you like what you see and hear, you could win one for FREE!

Just follow the directions below and the winner will be determined using

-For each entry, come back and make a separate comment what you did!
(You can only do each thing 1 time, please!)
The giveaway will be open until Sunday June 10th at Midnight!
1. To get 1 entry, follow my blog and leave a comment about why Cook'n would be good at your house. ( if you already do leave a comment saying you already follow)
2. Like Cook'n on Facebook ( link above)
3. Follow me on Twitter :) MrsCarrig09
4. Follow Cook'n on Twitter! (click the word Cook'n)


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

New Friend Fridays

One of my other IRL(in real life)/blogger friends is doing this on her blog and I thought it sounded like fun so I will join in also! 

If I understand correctly if you follow my blog then leave a comment and go to Amanda's blog and comment/follow her also. I added a link up at the end of the post, add your URL to it and join in on the fun.

My friend's blog is Chaotic Cantrell's, go check it out! She is a mommy also and blogs about being a mom, working out, gardening, being green and all kinds of other things in her life :)

This blog is the one that I got and Amanda got the idea from, check it out also!