
Tuesday, December 28

Hayden's First Haircut

When I took Hayden to his 6 month appointment, we were waiting on the doctor and Hayden was on my lap in just a diaper. The doctor walks in and says hey how are you...blah blah and then says go ahead and put her up on the table. I said ok and thought wow he is gonna be surprised. So he went to undo the diaper and SURPRISE. He then said well your not a girl now are you!

 It is because his hair looked like this: 

See how it covers his ears?

Well my parents have been giving me a hard time about his hair and how the sides needed to be trimmed. So before Christmas I decided to go ahead and do it...Here are the pictures....

Halfway there! Poor guy didn't know what to think!

Final Product...Please excuse the way I look!

Monday, December 27

Christmas 2010!

Our Christmas was a great one this year! Once we got past all the family drama and focused on what Christmas is really about and spending time with our little family it ended up being a awesome weekend.

I got off early on Thursday, so I finished up my shopping and we just hung around the house. Friday morning I got up to go grocery shopping then Kelsey helped me bake a bunch of stuff. We had fun :). Friday night we went to my parents house for our annual dinner and present exchange. I gave Travis one of his presents then, it was Frisbees for Frisbee gold. He loved it and was totally surprised.

We had a white Christmas!! I love snow probably because we don't get it very much in Georgia or just because it is pretty. It was so nice to watch it snow all day and make everything so pretty.

This was after about 2 hours of snow....

Kelsey was a present opening freak this year. She was so excited and just ripped through every present as fast as she could. I have been told I did this also. We got her the Leapster 2 and I had to pry it out of her hands for her to eat dinner on Saturday then we had to hide it when bedtime came around. CRAZY! She got a big girl bike from Santa, and we took her out to ride it and her response was it is way to cold and my butt hurts... from the seat. I think when it warms up she will be all over it.

Travis got me my Pandora bracelet that I have been wanting for a year or so. I am so excited and so happy that he got it for me. I also got a Target gift card, I want a pair of boots and he didn't want to get the wrong ones, and a toaster oven. I got Travis his Frisbees, a coin jar that counts his money- he has wanted it forever, and a waffle maker-along with waffle mix and syrup. The 2 things Travis kept asking me for were over 100 each and we just couldn't swing it this year...our anniversary is in February so I plan on getting them for him for that.

Yesterday we went my my grandmothers---my mom's mom and had our big family Christmas there. We do a white elephant gift exchange there it is always a lot of fun. I have wanted though antlers and nose for my car for a few years and got them! Travis ended up with chocolate and a I Tunes gift card, he didn't even know what iTunes was so my cousin who really wanted it so he gave it to what a sweet guy!

We stayed later at my grandmas to visit with some out of town aunts, uncles and cousins we don't see much and got home around 9...both kids were asleep and we quickly followed. I didn't want to get up for work this morning at all!

Monday, December 13


It snowed here in good ole Georgia this weekend.... and when I say snow I mean we might have gotten a whole 1/4 of an inch...ha ha.

I didn't take picture this morning because I don't think you could have even seen the snow it in. We had snow flurries all day yesterday and they are still happening today, which makes us Georgians very very excited. It also causes sheer PANIC around these parts. I went to Wal- Mart Saturday around noon and good grief it was a mad house...not for people Christmas shopping, it was for people stocking up like we had a blizzard coming.

Kelsey was less than thrilled with the snow, she asked me "I don't see it, there is none on the ground. I am going back to play in my room. Call me when I can make a snow man" This morning she was very upset she couldn't make a snow man. She did however get to wear her PJ's to daycare because they are watching the Polar Express and drinking hot chocolate today. I wish I could wear my PJ's to work, scrubs are not made for winter wear...the wind this morning was just coming right in.

I spoke w/my aunt last night and she said in NY there temps were in the 50s and here we are in GA in the teens, ummm no. I do believe the weather is confusing us with the North, unless we are about to get a butt load of snow there is no reason for it to be so cold.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, December 9

7 months already??

I can't believe my little baby boy is already 7 months old! Where has the time gone? I was looking through pictures the other night of him when he was born and I was just amazed by how big he has gotten already. I am having mixed emotions right now. I am sad he is getting so big because he might be my last baby but I am happy because he is so much fun right now.

Over the last few days he is babbling more, blowing raspberries, sitting up on his own and eating a TON. He loves his big sister so much and always smiles an laughs when she is around. I love it that he recognizes me and Travis when we walk into a room and if he hears us talking he starts looking around for us. He has started showing interest in the dog, which is so funny because he pokes at his eyes but Rocko doesn't even care as long as some one is touching him. He is still a cuddler which I am hoping doesn't go away anytime soon. Some nights I come home from work and within an hour he is asleep so the only time I see him is when I am rocking him, so not ready for that to be over!

I have a feeling he will be crawling any day and then there is no turning back! I am in no hurry for him to be crawling, I like to know I can leave the room without him getting into least for this week.

Tuesday, December 7

Weekend Update!

This weekend just flew by!

Friday night I had an open house type party for Partylite Candles, Pampered Chef and Mary Kay..I worked so hard to get my house clean and decorated so it just looked perfect and the only people that showed up were my mom and my best friend, who have both seem my house everything in a disaster. The good side is that my show ended being a 380 show!!  So after the party "ended" my best friend and I joined our husbands out at the fire pit for some warmth and marshmallows! I need to take pictures of these marshmallows they are HUGE!

Travis has school on Sat. mornings, so I spent the morning being SOOO lazy. I did some laundry, straightened up and caught up on the DVR from the week. Then that afternoon the hospital I work at had there big Christmas tree lighting. It is a big huge FREE festival that we go to every year. They have food, Santa, face painting, balloon animals, a petting zoo and local entertainment. The only bad thing is it was rainy and cold and I was by  myself with both kids. Travis was fixing my cousins car that broke down..such a nice guy. After the tree was lit and we got back to the car, we met Travis for our weekly dinner at Moe's. At the one by us they have $1 chicken tacos every sat, with no limit!! We love it! Then we got our redbox movies: Eclipse and Grown Ups and headed home.

Sunday I had plans to take Kelsey to a horse rescue by us that was having their annual Christmas shindig. Since it was so cold out we opted to take Hayden to my moms so we could take Kelsey. She LOVED it! She is always talking about horses and riding....I don't know where she gets it from??? ha ha ya I do! The problem is every time we get around them she wants nothing to do with them. So, finally I got my wish....she found a miniature pony that according to her was just her size and was petting and loving on him like crazy. I kept looking and Travis and he was just smiling because I dream of the day when I can ride with her. She didn't want to leave the barn but since it was so cold we couldn't stay as long as she wanted. We got lunch, picked up the boy and went home to be lazy and get warm.

So, that was a long update, and as I was writing it I thought to myself I really need to start taking more pictures of things we do. I think it would make these posts much more interesting. I will leave you with a new picture of the little ones from last night.

Friday, December 3

Come on McDonalds!

I almost never stop to get anything to eat or drink on my way to work, usually because getting out of the house with 2 small children is hard enough I usually don't have time. So this morning I decided I will leave with enough time to stop and get this new caramel mocha they are advertising for a $1. I pull into the drive thru and of course Kelsey wanted a happy meal, after explaining she can get a biscuit instead we pull up. I order my caramel mocha and a biscuit for bug and we get our food and drive off. I open the coffee take a big swig and almost wrecked the car. They didn't give me a caramel mocha, it was a plain jane black coffee...GROSS! I added cream and sugar at work, but I was really looking forward to my caramel mocha. I debated calling and complaining but I am not going to. It just irks me when that happens!

Anway it is FRIDAY!! I am having a party tonight for PartyLite Candles, The Pampered Chef and Mary Kay so it will be a crazy evening!

Thursday, December 2

I needed to add something...

I wanted to add some pictures of the little ones... They are old I need to get some new ones, but I still like them

Kelsey's 4th Birthday getting her pillow pet

Hayden man- 4 months old but a happy boy


Why do we as "adults" stress over everything? I just don't get it. If I am not stressed about money, then it is the kids or the dog or the house or cars. It is always something! I have decided that I can't live without some kind of stress in my life. It just will not happen. If there is ever a day that I can...I will be so freakin happy.

I have learned that stress hurts my marriage ....I hate fighting but I keep all my emotions/ problems all balled up and when I get upset, get ready because I am about to explode. I feel bad for Travis because this has happened more that I would like recently.

I know I have to put everything into God's hands and let him be in control, but o goodness that is so hard! I am getting better knowing he will provide and everything happens because he wants it to. I just wish I knew why things happened the way they do...but I think that is his secret, and we will find out one day.

I am going home tonight and I am going to attempt to not stress about anything. I find it really funny. I am having a party at my house tomorrow night and all I have done is set out my candles...since I am selling them. I am going to be determined though. I will let yall know how it goes.

Tuesday, November 30

Trying again

So I am going to try this blogging thing again.

I didn't do so well last time, and I think I get myself down when I start reading other people's blogs and see how popular they are. I started thinking well they didn't get this popular by not blogging :)

I am so excited for Christmas!! I am not ready for it, but I am excited! I need to finish shopping big time, since I have only bought 3 presents. I just do not do well shopping with the millions of other people who are doing it. I was a crazy person out on Black Friday at midnight, but that was only because Kelsey's present was 50% off. You ask who Kelsey is....look at my first post and it will explain it.

I am going to try to be better about writing at least 3-4 posts a week, until we get our internet hooked up at home. After that I should have no excuse...except for working full time, 2 kids, a husband, dog...and trying to have a life!

I need to get a move on it because it is nasty out right now and I gotta go get the kiddos from daycare.

Hopefully I can get some people to read...or just pretend!

Wednesday, September 8

Weekend update :)

I think I need to start writing down my ideas...I always come up with stuff to blog about then when I sit down I have no idea what I was going to write about. Having 2 kids really does make your mind go.

Anyway this weekend was a great one! Friday Kelsey was at my in-laws house so it was a quiet evening at our house. Travis and my brother left to go fishing, I really wanted to go but after sitting on the couch and then Hayden falling asleep I decided to just stay put and ended up going falling asleep at 7:30! ya I'm lame!

Saturday, since I went to bed so early I was up at 5 with the baby then was wide awake. So while the house was quiet I clean out the fridge, did laundry and cleaned parts of the house that I could not waking anyone up. The weather was so nice I opened all the windows and doors to let the cool breeze in. After I cleaned I woke Travis up and we headed down to pick Kelsey up, visit with his family, watch the game and have dinner with my best friend and her fiance! We had pizza on the grill....if you haven't had is AMAZING!

Sunday, I was tired once again from staying out to late on Saturday night but Travis got up and went trout fishing with my brother then they came home and wanted to cook their catches for thank you. While they were cooking I got some good cleaning out of Travis and we finally got some stuff done. Including a TON of yard work...I said I would help but Hayden kept waking up and the bugs kept biting us.

Monday, we were both off work...which was wonderful. We went grocery shopping I have never spent so much at the grocery store in my life! The good news is we got enough for the whole month...minus the weekly bread, milk and lunch stuff. I think I need to start couponing again I was doing so good...I just got really busy. We came home unloaded ate lunch and took a nap :) then cooked out.

I kept saying last week that I was going to be so good this week and work out and eat better. Then on Sunday I made banana pudding...gosh. I am challenging myself to start working out one day a week...come one I should be able to do one measly day out of 7. I have access to the gym at my work when I get off...I just need to use it. I feel bad leaving the kiddos at daycare, but like everyone says they won't notice 30 mins at least I hope. My plan was to work out on Wednesdays because I get off early and we don't have any patients in the afternoon. Then of course today I have to take Hayden to the doctor for his 4 month check up!

I will have his stats and new pictures of him from the weekend soon!

Have a great day!

Thursday, September 2

looking ahead

This weekend is gonna be good...3 day weekend and football starting up!


With football starting back that only means we are one step closer to fall....I can't wait for fall this year. I say this biting my tongue because when I look at my trusty day timer from now until the end of October every. single. weekend is booked. Can we say exhausted? yes we can.

We are busy with good things though, here is a list of somethings and I will be blogging them all after they happen...
- my best friends wedding- so excited to be in the wedding and celebrating her day with her!
-bachelorette party- for my best friend's wedding
-sister-in-law's baby shower
-hubby is starting school again on 9-11, which is every sat from 7-1:30
-cousin's wedding
-my little girl is turning 4! can't believe it!
- and my birthday, which really isn't that big of a deal since I will be working but I still count it!
That's all I can think of for now, but in the midst of all we are going to try to fit in visiting a pumpkin patch, getting fall family pics taken, keep up with the horseback riding on Saturdays and hubby's fishing on Sundays.

before we know it Christmas will be here.

Wednesday, September 1

Introduction Time...

I am not sure if people just jump into this blogging thing or if they start my introducing themselves... I did a quick intro earlier to get started, and I wanted to go ahead and introduce the rest of the family so my readers (if I even have any) know who I am rambling about.

Let's start with my other half, Travis. We met when I was still in highschool, who would have ever guessed that one morning at the horse barn with some playful flirting would have lead to us being married with 2 kids...not me! I am glad it did, but it wasn't expected at all.

Next is Kelsey, she is our 3 almost 4 year old daughter. She is so stinking smart it is unreal. I laugh everyday at the things she says, and she makes life so more fun! I don't where I would be or what life would be like without her in it. She keeps me on my toes and reminds me all the time with the things she does or says to relax and enjoy need to stress over everything.

Our newest addition is Hayden...I can't believe he is almost 4 months old! He was born 5-7-2010. I kept thinking during the early day of my pregnany that I wanted another girl just because I had one. I soon found out I was so wrong. I can't imagine life without my little man! He really completes our family in everyway possible. He is getting to the age where he smiles and laughs all the time and we love it. I love to see Kelsey play and interact with him, he just loves his big sister!

Our last but not least family member is Rocko- our hound/shephard mix. We adopted him when he was 12 weeks old in March 2009. He is the best dog in the world. I always say we are so lucky because he is not even 2 and acts like he is 12. He is so patient with Kelsey and all the crazy things she does to him...and I mean crazy!

Now I will bore you with pictures so you can put names to faces.
Daddy and Kelsey with her 1st fish!


Ice Breaker

I am not sure if anyone will even read this, but I read so many blogs everyday I thought I would start my own. So please if you have any advice or tips for good blogging let me know :).

A little introduction: I am a twenty-something year old wife and mother of 2 wonderful children and a dog. I will introduce everyone in the next few posts. I am a simple girl who enjoys southern life, the idea of sitting on a huge porch drinking sweet tea in rocking chairs just makes me smile....

I will be back for some more introduction later....time for some work!