
Monday, January 30


Our new puppy!!

I went and picked him up on Saturday morning. He is so sweet and little. The kids love him so much already :) Naming him was a different story, the poor pup has had about 30 names since this weekend. We just couldn't decide on one and nothing seemed to fit him. I am still not 100% convinced that Magnum is going to be it, but so far we like it.

Some of the runner ups were: Tracker, Ace, Grizzly, Bear, Nitro, Winston, Levi, Jake...that's all I can think of right now. I catch myself just saying come here puppy. He is doing really well so far. We are crate training him and this morning was the first time he had to go in his crate and the door was shut. Poor guy was so sad! I am letting him sleep with us for now, until he starts jumping off the bed at least. He was used to being with his brothers and sisters so he likes to get really close to us. He wakes us up when he needs to go out by biting or licking you. I will take it for now, at least he is waking us up and not just peeing on the bed!

Happy Monday :)

Friday, January 27

Let the waiting begin...

Kelsey is going into Kindergarten next year, and for the past 5 years I have planned dreamed of her going to private school. My parents both work at a private Catholic school, I attended a Catholic high school and the difference in public vs private is amazing. I do want to be a teacher, so please don't flame me about going to a private school. These days, at least in GA, public schools teach kids to pass standardized testing. In private school she will have the ability to be challenged and learn, as a plus she will be able to grow in her faith.  Anyway...

Applications were due today. We turned ours in and now we wait. Lots of people ask tell me but you parents work there, she will get in? Not exactly. She is has to go through all the same channels as everyone else. We have "testing" in a few weeks, then we will wait for a response.

We are in no financial way to support her going and the only way for her to go is with something called the Grace Scholarship. It is an amazing program...that might be taken away because legislators are like that. It is a scholarship based on need that could give her the opportunity to attend private school through 12th grade. We are pretty excited and hopeful that it will all work out. My motto for 2012 is Everything happens for a reason, so if it is meant to be it will happen.

For the application we had to write a parent perspective of Kelsey this is what we came up with:

Kelsey loves to learn and explore new things. She has a remarkable memory and will randomly talk about people, events and happenings from 2 or 3 years ago clearly recalling many details even we have forgotten. Kelsey has a very vivid imagination and spends many hours making up her own games and stories.  She enjoys coloring, drawing and crafts. This year Kelsey started taking ballet, she likes to dance around the house pretending to be a princess.  Kelsey is a great big sister; she is very patient when she plays with her little brother.  She is a very kind and caring little girl, a friend to all.

It pretty much sums my girl up in a few sentences!

So keep us in your thoughts and prayers, I will let everyone know the outcome as soon as I know!

Have a great weekend! We are picking up the Levi (puppy) tomorrow, so I will have pictures on Monday :)

I think I am going to this in February! I don't know if I will get every photo loaded everyday, but I will try my hardest!

Thursday, January 26

Hilton Head 2011

Warning: Picture Overload at the bottom!

The week after Christmas my parents took us to Hilton Head for the week. They headed out Christmas Eve and we planned on leaving Monday morning, but left on Christmas night around 9 and arrived at 2am. My oldest brother, Brad and his son Koltyn rode with us and my other brother, Brett came up after work Tuesday evening.

We were so excited because this is the first vacation in about 3 years that we had been on. We stayed at the Marriott Surf Watch resort, it was such a nice place! They have an indoor pool and 2 outdoor pools that are heated. Along with hot tubs. We saw all the pools at least once and visited a few times a day. The kids loved them, and Hayden thought the hot tub was the coolest thing. He would act almost drunk like when he was in it, it was so funny. (I didn't let him stay in for more than about 5-10 mins each time)

We spent a lot of time down at the beach, it was really windy most of the week, which was good because my parents got Travis and my brother kites for Christmas, so they had time to fly them.

I had been told that a lot of people rode bikes around Hilton Head, so one day we rented bikes from the resort to take a ride. WOW! Our legs were burning! What a great way to work out though. Travis' bike had a trailer on it so he could pull Kelsey and my nephew, Koltyn. My bike had a child seat on the back for Hayden. We had a great time!

One day we headed to the Sea Pines area of Hilton Head to see the light house and sight see. It is a pretty neat place, we really enjoyed looking at the boats and seeing the light house. There was also a barn in the area and of course we had to stop by! The kids( and the adults) really enjoyed the petting zoo. My dad asked me why the horses looked so sad though...they were waiting to go on a trail ride and they did look miserable. He isn't used to seeing horses like that because he always saw the ones I rode, which def weren't that calm! Since I have been around lesson horses and trail horses, I wasn't surprised but I still felt bad for them. After the petting zoo/barn my parents headed back to the resort with Kelsey, Koltyn and my brother Brad, while myself, Travis, Hayden and my other brother Brett went to the south beach to look around. We stopped at Salty dog to get some shirts and some pictures!

Hilton Head is an interesting place, everything is set off the road and my dad told us that they try to take down the least amount of trees when building something. So unlike around here where you can see strip malls/ shopping centers from the road, you have to look really hard to see what it behind the trees there. It would take some getting used to if I lived there.

There were so many memories made on this trip! We were all ready to go back home at the end of the week, but I am so glad we got to go! I took over 300 pictures, so I won't post all of them, but as a warning there are going to be a lot!

View on the walk to the beach

My dad holding the kites

Hayden- deciding if he likes the sand

Kelsey and Koltyn

Me, Travis and Hayden at Sea Pines
The kid's ride
Hayden's ride

The whole family :)

Hayden petting a deer, wearing a dog collar!

Petting the pretty horse

My parents w/kelsey and koltyn

If you made it this far, thanks!

Wednesday, January 25

Hair Cut part 2.

We made it through the haircut without any tears (from kelsey anyway) or meltdowns! She did great! I am so happy with the result, and I think she is to. The smile on her face shows that!

I am sad though. As soon as she cut the bulk of her hair I saw my little baby turn into a little girl. I almost cried....true story. Her long hair gave her a baby face that I was clinging to. Now she looks so grown up and sophiscated. She is ready for Kindergarten! And she was so excited to go to school today and show her "boyfriend" her haircut. She said he wouldn't even reconize her.

Getting it cut....

Finished Product!
I can't believe how much older it makes her look!

Tuesday, January 24

Kelsey's Hair

 She is a princess in every way and apparently princesses have to have long hair, right? Not anymore!

I am finally standing up to my 5 year old..hahah. and her daddy! Travis loves long hair, but he isn't the one who is ripping out the knots and tangles every morning while she bawls her eyes out. I am taking her to get it cut tonight :)

We have been talking about it a lot lately, and I think now she is actually ok with it....I am ready for a meltdown in a little while. I keep telling her she is getting a big girl hair cut and will look so much older. Lets hope!

It looks shorter than it is, it falls right at her waistband on her pants in the back.

She looks thrilled :)
This will be the first time I have cut off more than an inch in her lifetime...She has only had her hair cut ummm 3 maybe 4 times in her little life!

Monday, January 23

Rainy weekend

This weekend was just gross. It was rainy all weekend.

When the rain stopped in a little while we went shopping....

Old Navy was having 50% off their clearance!! I had a Groupon that I was saving, and I am so glad I saved it! I was able to get the jacket I have been looking at for months for 12.48! It was normally 80. I got my jacket, another fleece workout jacket, 2 shirts, a few tank tops, a sweater, and a pair or sweatpants and a shirt for Kelsey. I spent 23 out of my pocket and then my Groupon. I was a happy camper. I had to take a shirt back and got 3 more, but 2 of those are going back also... I need to learn to try stuff on! Then we went to Goodwill to look for a microwave cart, didn't find one. I did find a wooden letter 'C' though for a whole $ pintrest addiction is paying off! I am going to paint it because right now it is pink and then hang it somewhere in the house!

Sunday, I didn't do anything special. Hayden woke up in a horrible mood so we just played and lounged around. Made some chicken in the crock pot that was really good! Pintrest search Cafe Rio, crock pot chicken...Yummy!

We had plans to go see our new puppy. But we were told he gets to come home next weekend, so we wanted to save gas and wait until next weekend. I know what some people are thinking...your already getting a new puppy?? Yes. Judge away. Rocko isn't coming back, and my no means are we replacing him. We want our kids to grow up with responsibility, and this opportunity kinda fell into our laps. We felt like it was given to us for a reason.

I hope everyone has a Wonderful Monday! It is still rainy here....

Friday, January 20

Rocko Boy

 (Let me start off my saying I treat my animals like my kids, so this might sound crazy to some people.)


We decided very last minute to go out shopping on New Year's Day evening.  I can vividly remember walking back into the house to get something and seeing Rocko standing there, looking at me almost like "why are you leaving me here?" We had just come back from vacation the day before and he didn't understand why we were leaving again. I told him "See ya in little but, be good, love you buddy" and I walked out. Driving away I had this feeling inside me to turn around, I didn't tell Travis and now I wish that I had.
When we got home, everything was normal. I got out of the car and immediately noticed our front door was wide open. **We live in the woods, in a somewhat rural area, we used to leave our doors unlocked all the time, because no one really knows there are houses we ours is at** I had Travis go in first, just in case. Nothing was wrong all the bedroom doors were still shut, but Rocko was gone. He has gotten out before, but always comes right back. We had been gone about 2 hours at that point. So we called and called his name, and heard nothing.  I went to get the kids ready for bed and Travis went to look for him. He called less than 5 minutes later and he said "Rocko is no longer with us" I didn't process it. Travis likes to joke, so I thought this is a joke. I heard his truck pull up and was in Hayden's bedroom. I thought he is going to come in and I will hear Rocko right behind him. I heard the door open, I heard Travis and no Rocko. Then it hit me.

I came into the hallway and saw Travis' face and I knew, this was no joke. I literally fell to the ground. I felt like someone just took my legs out from underneath me. How could this happen? Why did this happen?

Travis found him on the median of the road that the property backs up to. In between our house and the road is a big church. The road is a pretty busy one and it is a long ways from our house. Whoever hit our pup, didn't stop or even slow down. It makes me sick to think about could anyone be so cruel. I called my mom in hysterics and they came over right away. My dad confirmed that Rocko had passed away. It was my worst fear, and my fault. I was the last one out of the house. Why didn't I lock the door? Travis's dad came over to pick Rocko up and take him to a friends vet clinic to have him cremated for us. I am so thankful for that.

While we don't know why he left us in such a tragic way, Travis and I both and hanging on to that this happened for a reason. We don't know the reason and we probably won't ever know it but God has a plan.

I miss him every single day. It is getting easier to a point. The first few nights were really bad. I would lay in bed a swear I would hear his collar jingle. I would think he is going to walk up any minute and life will go back to normal. The hardest part is hearing Kelsey say I miss Rocko or Hayden walking around asking us Where doggie? It breaks my heart.

Rocko was my dog, he loved me more than I could have ever loved him. He slept on me, he protected me and he knew when I needed him close to me. I couldn't leave a room or even walk across one without him following me. One day I hope to see him again. ( I fully believe all dogs go to Heaven) I know it he watching over me and my family and will protect us from a far. I love you Rocko- boy and we miss you more than you would ever believe.

Thursday, January 19


I haven't posted in forever! I have still been reading all the blogs I follow, and I think wow they write about such good things. I feel like I don't have anything to blog about or my blog doesn't serve a purpose. I am in 2012 going to try to post more.

I need ideas on what I should blog about?? Just life?

I also need help with my design....someone please help me!! I want something fun, cute and southern looking. If anyone can think of a better name I am open to all suggestions.

So as an update on everything! We are all doing good so far this year. We went on vacation after Christmas to Hilton Head, and it was our first full family vacation. SO. MUCH. FUN. We came home NYE and picked up our doggie, little did we know our world was about to change. We lost our beloved Rocko on New Year's day. I want to write a post about what happened because he deserves that much. I have to work on it in sections, because losing him is still so raw. If you are a new reader...Rocko was our fun loving dog.

The kids are getting so big and growing way to fast. Kelsey is loving pre-k and turning into a little women more and more everyday. Hayden has went from a baby to a little boy overnight. I can't believe it. He has changed so much over the past few months. I just had a patient come in my office and she said "Hey Brittany!, Last time I saw you, you were pregnant!" That just proves how fast life has moved and last time she saw me was 2 years ago, when I was pregnant with Hayden....I can't process that he is going to be 2 very soon.

I am going to end this post with a few vacation pictures. I plan to do a full post on Hilton Head.