
Friday, January 11

Finally Friday :)

It's Friday!!!

Seems like such a long week! Kelsey started back to school and this was the first week I had to work Mon- Fri since before Christmas. I am exhausted!

It was a really good week in the Carrig household though:

Hayden is completely potty trained!!
I have to remember that he is only 2 and he will have accidents and still need reminding.
The past 2 mornings, he has woken up dry in his pull up, so I feel like we are making progress. And he just made it to the bathroom without pooping in his underwear!

It's the small things :)

Kelsey started FINALLY getting "good jobs" on her letters this week.
It could have been that it was letter 'B' week and she sees those alot or things are looking up for her at school. While she was reading to me the other night, she was 99% better remembering her sight words. It's just Kindergarten, right?

The "crud" hit our house last weekend and is still around. I am not happy about that at all, but it could be so much worse. Kelsey is the worst right now, I am not used to seeing my energetic girl so mellow.

I think this weekend is going to consist of laying around the house and catching up on sleep and our DVR. Travis is going camping tomorrow night and I am planning to spend most of the day on Sunday at the barn. It has been WAY to long!

I hope everyone had a blessed week and have a wonderful weekend!


Monday, January 7

Manic Monday

Happy Monday! In an attempt to keep myself bloggin regularing..once again I am going to try this daily thing again.

Best part of my weekend: getting Hayden potty trained, and spending time with the family hiking.

Worst Part of weekend: not feeling so hot...not getting enough rest finally catching up with me :/

Random anything?? Since I cut all my hair off I haven't worn it curly out of the house, I am to scared to see what it will look like by the end of the day...can anyone say little orphan annie!

Saturday, January 5

Successful Saturday!

I have had a pretty successful day today :) The kids woke up at the crack of dawn so I decided I would go ahead and get started with my day. While I started the laundry, I got the idea to make banana bread. I looked up some recipes on the Internet and settled on one that seemed pretty basic. I am very happy with how it came out. Then I made homemade dog cookies, I have been wanting to do this for a while. They were so easy! I will be doing that for now on because the ingredients are something that I always have on hand so it keeps the cost down. Click here for the link to the recipe I treat recipe.

Homemade dog biscuits

I also decided to work with Hayden on potty training. We have been trying FOR months, but it just seems like it doesn't click. Well I think we have had a breakthrough because he is doing really well today. My mom reminded me that he will have accidents and it will take time, so I am just going with it. I am really nervous to send him to daycare on Monday in fear that he will regress totally. I really hope they will work with him to so we can get out of diapers!!!

While the kids were napping, I made Kelsey a headband holder. I found it on Pintrest a few months ago and now that I have a sewing machine I was finally able to complete it. Here is the originally pin I found and below that is my finished product.

This is my creation :)


This is gonna be my next sewing project! I am starting off with one for Kelsey and then will make myself one.

Well I think that is about it for now. Now I need to work on dinner...Spaghetti baked inside garlic bread :)

Have a great rest of your weeked!!


Tuesday, January 1

1 year already?

Today marks the 1 year mark of losing Rocko. Last year at this time I was crying, screaming, and questioning why someone would hit my dog? I still question why sometimes, but I have learned during 2012 that you can't live asking why and replaying the what ifs all the time. I feel like we as a family have had our good times in 2012 and we have all had our bad times. I want to think that I have grown as a person, wife and a mother during this year and I have been shown to embrace every minute.

At the beginning of 2012...after we lost Rocko, I started using the quote "everything happens for a reason". It has stuck with me all year and I truly believe and have been shown that everything does in fact happen for a reason.
- We lost Rocko...why? wont ever really know, but we wouldn't have Tonka today if it wouldn't have happened.
-Travis was laid off...why? hard to understand...but he has a amazing job now and it wouldn't have happened otherwise.
-My wreck...why? I didn't want to buy a new car bc of that but I had to...that experience opened my eyes and has made me a stronger person
- Our daycare shuts down...this one was hard for all of us and esp Hayden...I have to believe that it happened for a reason and better things are to come.

I also feel like we have been so blessed this year. Kelsey is attending a school that I wouldn't have ever in my wildest dream thought she would. She is turning into a little women and I love the fact that she is learning to love the Lord and finding her true self. Hayden is at the age where is asks questions about everything and sometimes I get tired of answering the same one 20 times I have to stop and remind myself that he doesn't know he is still learning. Travis had a rough year with his licensing tests and his work situations, but I think he has come out stronger and is learning to trust and give in to a higher power. I feel like I have grown this year in my faith and have started trusting in God more. We are blessed with good health and we have been able to provide for our family.

We aren't rich, we don't have fancy things, drive fancy cars or live in a fancy house..we have each other and in the end the other stuff doesn't matter.

For 2013 I want to keep focusing on living within/below our means, keep teaching the kids that material things don't keep you happy and money doesn't buy happiness. I want to really focus on our family and by next January be able to say that we all grew over the year.

So this post is all over the place, but I needed to get my thoughts out of my head :)

Happy New Year!