
Tuesday, August 21

Kindergarten :)

We have made it through Kelsey's first week and a half of school! She seems to really be having a great time. She is exhausted though in the afternoons so bed time comes really early. It is good for mommy though...I get a little down time after the kids go to bed. I thought I would have a huge problem getting up in the mornings to get Kelsey, Hayden and myself out the door and have to actually worry about what she looks like. I have found as long as I do as much as I can the night before the mornings go very smoothly. It is so funny to pick Hayden up from daycare and hear him say "lets so get Kelsey, some days my mom drops her off at home, some days I pick her up from my parents house. It all depends on my work schedule.

Here are some pictures of her on the first day:

Thursday, August 9


I am still here!!

I have just been SO busy the last couple of weeks, months. Kelsey starts school next week, so we have been consummed doing all things related to school. Last weekend we all spent Saturday and Sunday at the barn, so that left a limited amount of time for laundry and house cleaning. Work has been crazy busy the past couple of months...we finally got some more providers to treat patients so things are starting to level out.

I have a million pictures to share with everyone and hopefully soon I can start getting them all on here. I want to do a summer post of everything we did, but that might take until Christmas the rate I am going.

Tonight Travis and I are headed to school for a new parent social...shall be very interesting...just like the kids pool party yesterday afternoon.

Hopefully I will be back soon, but until then I hope everyone is doing ok!