
Wednesday, September 8

Weekend update :)

I think I need to start writing down my ideas...I always come up with stuff to blog about then when I sit down I have no idea what I was going to write about. Having 2 kids really does make your mind go.

Anyway this weekend was a great one! Friday Kelsey was at my in-laws house so it was a quiet evening at our house. Travis and my brother left to go fishing, I really wanted to go but after sitting on the couch and then Hayden falling asleep I decided to just stay put and ended up going falling asleep at 7:30! ya I'm lame!

Saturday, since I went to bed so early I was up at 5 with the baby then was wide awake. So while the house was quiet I clean out the fridge, did laundry and cleaned parts of the house that I could not waking anyone up. The weather was so nice I opened all the windows and doors to let the cool breeze in. After I cleaned I woke Travis up and we headed down to pick Kelsey up, visit with his family, watch the game and have dinner with my best friend and her fiance! We had pizza on the grill....if you haven't had is AMAZING!

Sunday, I was tired once again from staying out to late on Saturday night but Travis got up and went trout fishing with my brother then they came home and wanted to cook their catches for thank you. While they were cooking I got some good cleaning out of Travis and we finally got some stuff done. Including a TON of yard work...I said I would help but Hayden kept waking up and the bugs kept biting us.

Monday, we were both off work...which was wonderful. We went grocery shopping I have never spent so much at the grocery store in my life! The good news is we got enough for the whole month...minus the weekly bread, milk and lunch stuff. I think I need to start couponing again I was doing so good...I just got really busy. We came home unloaded ate lunch and took a nap :) then cooked out.

I kept saying last week that I was going to be so good this week and work out and eat better. Then on Sunday I made banana pudding...gosh. I am challenging myself to start working out one day a week...come one I should be able to do one measly day out of 7. I have access to the gym at my work when I get off...I just need to use it. I feel bad leaving the kiddos at daycare, but like everyone says they won't notice 30 mins at least I hope. My plan was to work out on Wednesdays because I get off early and we don't have any patients in the afternoon. Then of course today I have to take Hayden to the doctor for his 4 month check up!

I will have his stats and new pictures of him from the weekend soon!

Have a great day!

Thursday, September 2

looking ahead

This weekend is gonna be good...3 day weekend and football starting up!


With football starting back that only means we are one step closer to fall....I can't wait for fall this year. I say this biting my tongue because when I look at my trusty day timer from now until the end of October every. single. weekend is booked. Can we say exhausted? yes we can.

We are busy with good things though, here is a list of somethings and I will be blogging them all after they happen...
- my best friends wedding- so excited to be in the wedding and celebrating her day with her!
-bachelorette party- for my best friend's wedding
-sister-in-law's baby shower
-hubby is starting school again on 9-11, which is every sat from 7-1:30
-cousin's wedding
-my little girl is turning 4! can't believe it!
- and my birthday, which really isn't that big of a deal since I will be working but I still count it!
That's all I can think of for now, but in the midst of all we are going to try to fit in visiting a pumpkin patch, getting fall family pics taken, keep up with the horseback riding on Saturdays and hubby's fishing on Sundays.

before we know it Christmas will be here.

Wednesday, September 1

Introduction Time...

I am not sure if people just jump into this blogging thing or if they start my introducing themselves... I did a quick intro earlier to get started, and I wanted to go ahead and introduce the rest of the family so my readers (if I even have any) know who I am rambling about.

Let's start with my other half, Travis. We met when I was still in highschool, who would have ever guessed that one morning at the horse barn with some playful flirting would have lead to us being married with 2 kids...not me! I am glad it did, but it wasn't expected at all.

Next is Kelsey, she is our 3 almost 4 year old daughter. She is so stinking smart it is unreal. I laugh everyday at the things she says, and she makes life so more fun! I don't where I would be or what life would be like without her in it. She keeps me on my toes and reminds me all the time with the things she does or says to relax and enjoy need to stress over everything.

Our newest addition is Hayden...I can't believe he is almost 4 months old! He was born 5-7-2010. I kept thinking during the early day of my pregnany that I wanted another girl just because I had one. I soon found out I was so wrong. I can't imagine life without my little man! He really completes our family in everyway possible. He is getting to the age where he smiles and laughs all the time and we love it. I love to see Kelsey play and interact with him, he just loves his big sister!

Our last but not least family member is Rocko- our hound/shephard mix. We adopted him when he was 12 weeks old in March 2009. He is the best dog in the world. I always say we are so lucky because he is not even 2 and acts like he is 12. He is so patient with Kelsey and all the crazy things she does to him...and I mean crazy!

Now I will bore you with pictures so you can put names to faces.
Daddy and Kelsey with her 1st fish!


Ice Breaker

I am not sure if anyone will even read this, but I read so many blogs everyday I thought I would start my own. So please if you have any advice or tips for good blogging let me know :).

A little introduction: I am a twenty-something year old wife and mother of 2 wonderful children and a dog. I will introduce everyone in the next few posts. I am a simple girl who enjoys southern life, the idea of sitting on a huge porch drinking sweet tea in rocking chairs just makes me smile....

I will be back for some more introduction later....time for some work!