
Wednesday, April 11

Easter updates!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Ours was a great day :) We went to Mass early with my parents and then headed to my Grandparents house to have a family brunch. I think the priests all got together and decided that this year was going to be very serious in terms of homily's go. Fr. Frank did an amazing job and said everything that needed to be said in a way where everyone sitting there could understand it. It was very eye opening, even Travis whispered in my this guy is awesome!

The Easter bunny visited the kids, but not the extent of some pictures I have seen. They both go bubble guns and a chocolate bunny...along with a HUGE container of refill bubbles to share. I don't like that some people treat Easter like Christmas. It has turned into such a Hallmark holiday...not right at all. I do love eating jellybeans and Reece's eggs, but lets not forget why we are celebrating in the first place.

We got the coveted letter this past weekend with the decision for Kelsey's school. She is accepted!!! I am thrilled and feel very blessed to have this opportunity for her. She is over the moon excited and thinks that she should start now :)

I have some pictures from Easter to share...