
Tuesday, March 6

That feeling..

Do you every get that feeling? The one where you think "this is where I belong" or "this is what I want". I had that this weekend and it isn't going away... for now at least.

A few months ago I saw an ad on Craigslist for theraputic riding lessons, well a littl background... One of my far out dreams is to one day own my own barn and be able to do hippotherapy/ theraputic riding lessons. So needless to say I was excited. I e-mailed back and forth with the lady a few times and finally was able to set up a day to meet with her and talk about volunteering. That was last Sunday, I stopped by as she was finishing up her last lesson. It was so relaxed and informal...just the way I like it.

This past Sunday was my first day helping out, she was making up some of the Saturday lessons due to rain so it was a full morning. I was a little nervous because I haven't been around horses in a few months. It's like riding a bike right? I started off leading for the first lesson, then the second I side walked and the third I led again, but this little girl was able to get reins the 2nd half and I was more or less just walking a 1200 puppy dog.

Then I stuck around for her western lesson after the theraputic ones were over, that's when it all hit me. I was watching her teach and saw myself. When the little girl was having problems with the horse staying on the rail I wanted to jump in and try to help, but I had to catch myself...not my lesson not my place.

Since Sunday I have been looking online and searching high and low for a job at a barn. I don't even know if that is possible because I haven't been around horses recently, but I need to know for myself. I also know I just can't go out and open my own place or even have my own horse right now so this the next best thing...I think.

I have always been told if you don't put it out there then it won't happen, so I am putting it out there! I am being pulled toward this and I hope things work out :)


  1. That is an AWESOME feeling. Hoping it stays with you <3

  2. Yes it is! I hope it stays around. I want my kids to grow up around horses so bad :)
