
Monday, February 11

Lent 2013

I usually try to give up the normal things like sweets, coke, caffeine, swearing...but this year I have decided to dig deep and really give something up that will be a challenge for me. I thought about adding something in my life, but I feel like what I finally decided on would be the best thing in the long run.

I have become addicted to Facebook...probably a little to addicted. I think now that is so accessible all the time ( app on my phone) and I depend on it. I roll over in the morning and first thing I do is grab my phone to look at fb. I check it multiple times during the day and find myself re reading the same posts at night. While I am watching TV I am also on facebook. I do love that fact of seeing my friends from school start families and I love staying in touch with my family I don't see often, but there has to be a boundary drawn.

I feel like staying away for 40 days while be a HUGE test but also just what I need to find that boundary. I understand it will be hard and I will have temptations to just check in..update my status...but I have decided every time I want to get in my Facebook fix I am going to pray..if I have time I want to pray the rosary. If not just a quick prayer for guidance.

Here is to hoping for a change and working on finding a boundary for social media in my life. I plan to update my blog still and stay active on Instagram...but it will be like once a day not every free minute I get.

What have you decided to give up?? Add in? Do you celebrate Lent?


  1. its a guid thing to give up i ain't think i could do it that long


  2. good and don't can't spell
