
Sunday, September 16


I don't do well making decisions...esp making big decisions. I feel like the last month has been full of big decisions. A load of stress has been taking off my chest this weekend, I bought a new car! I am so thankful for my dad who helped me out so much and Travis for being patient with me :) I got a 2001 GMC Yukon, it has extremely low miles and in in next to excellent condition for it's age. I am so happy! I have wanted a Tahoe/Yukon for years and it is so nice to finally have one. People probably thing I am crazy for buying a V8 when gas is so high, but my daily commute consists of a 20 mile circle...if that. If I had to drive more everyday then I would have re thought that decision. I feel like I made a pretty good one!

Kelsey had a great birthday. After we got done at the car dealership...buying a car takes WAY to long. Sarah was waiting to hang out with Kelsey for her bday. We went and had some $1 tacos at Moe's, went and walked around Wal-Mart and had yogurt at Menchies. When we came home it was time to go to Kelsey's birthday dinner. She picked to have dinner at Chili's so they would sing to her. We had a lot of fun! We order a different dessert along with the general bday dessert, Kelsey picked the chocolate molten cake. I am not sure who liked it more...Kelsey, Koltyn or my Dad. It was a fight between 4 of us trying to get a bite. Hayden was a smart boy he went to the other end of the table and enjoying his brownie and ice cream in peace. HAHA.

This morning Travis got up and took Kelsey and our nephew Koltyn bike riding. Hayden was running a little fever so we stayed home to rest. Hayden ended up helping me clean the house, finally! I still have to give my bedroom some attention, but I feel so much better having a clean kitchen/dining/and living room. Now everyone is sleeping, while I blog and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Everyone keep my cousin Amanda and her new baby boy in your prayers, please. Liam was born on 9/12 and has spent a few days in the NICU. They are hoping he gets to come home soon! Fingers crossed :)

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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