
Thursday, May 24

Goodbye Pre-k, Hello Kindergarten

Tomorrow is Kelsey's prek "graduation", I have mixed emotions. I am so excited for her about next year, but I am SO sad that my little girl is growing up. She has changed and grown so much this year alone. We had a lot of things happen and I just can't believe how she changed from a little girl to a little young woman.

She is so grown up...well she has always acted very grown up, but it is different now. This morning when I was asking Hayden what color his trucks were Kelsey was next to him saying all the colors in Spanish as I said them in English...ummm...I don't even know my colors in Spanish! She shared my excitement when Hayden peed on the potty for the first time also! She was next to me jumping up and down screaming with excitement. She is so caring and thoughtful and it seems like she already knows what to say when you need to hear it. The simplest "mommy i love you" always comes at a much needed time with her around. Her teachers said she is a leader in the classroom...well she is a leader all the time...and sometimes a pretty bossy one! She always talks about playing with the boys...TROUBLE!!

I think I am the saddest about the group of kids that are getting split up next year. She has been in the same class with about 3 other kids since they were 1-2 years old. We already had to say good bye to one of their long time teachers (Mrs. Shari) who we still see! But after this summer we are going to have to say good-bye to these friends also. I hope and pray that we will stay in touch through the years, with facebook that will help so much, but I don't want Kelsey to forget them! Her "boyfriends" have brought us so much laughter these past few years...everyone always cracked up when she used to tell us she had 2 boyfriends. Just last night she was telling me we needed to stay in touch with one of the boys in her class because she thinks when they are adults like me and daddy he wants to marry her...

This was Kelsey's 5th Birthday Party 9/2011

Kelsey and Shelby 10/2011

 Halloween 2011

Beach Vacation 12/2011
Big girl haircut!! 1/2012
Kindergarten Testing 2/2012

Easter 2012

1st lost tooth! 5/2012
Moe's Wednesdays 5/23/2012
I will have more pictures of the graduation ceremony and the after party :) I am determined to get some pictures of Kelsey and her "boys"!

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