
Thursday, May 17

Gardening update

I am so happy that our garden is growing! I had this fear that we would plant all these veggies and they would die. I am not very good at keeping plants alive inside so I was scared that it would be the same with the garden. I was so wrong and I am so glad! Our garden has grown so much in the last few weeks. This morning I started noticing little buds on almost every plant! That makes me VERY excited.

In a few short weeks we will probably have an influx of veggies and I will be sick of seeing them, but that just means I can start freezing things and stocking up :) My plan when our tomatoes start producing is to make a TON of salsa and tomato sauce and either can it or freeze it to use during the winter. You can do so much with just a base tomato sauce: spaghetti, pizza, chili, lasagna, stuffed peppers....the list goes on and on...

So don't look at the leaves inside or the weeds growing all around our garden or the timbers Travis just left there. . I need to spend some time making it pretty again:)
Left to right in this picture is far left is a few of our corn plants, then jalapeno peppers and bell peppers, then yellow squash then zucchini, the last row to the right is cucumbers. Across the back are tomatoes, they blend with the weeds behind the timber, but they are there I promise!

Squash up close...

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